
October 2005-January 2008

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crash, Bang, Boom

In the middle of the night, 3:30 a.m. to be exact, we arose to a clatter.
It sounded like a loud boom and glass breaking. I immediately thought someone was breaking in and grabbed the phone to dial 911. My husband, fearing for the safety of one of the children, jumped up to investigate.
The picture hanging above our couch had fallen down on top of the Joy tree and sent it tumbling down. The picture wire in back had come loose and luckily as it fell, it hit the ground in such a way that the glass didn't break. Well more like, unfortunately, the joy tree cushioned it's fall.
Relatively minor damage, though.
The damage was limited to four ornaments. Two are easy fixes. The other two are going to be harder to glue. All in all the damage is minor compared to what could have been.
And it IS a material possession.
I remember when I was growing up, my mom telling me after I broke a dish, "We love people, not things."

I'm repeating that to myself as I pick up the ornaments.
It is true.
But I love a person who is represented by this thing.


  1. glad most of the ornaments made it. scary to wake up to that! did the kids hear it??

  2. hmmmm....good thoughts and so very true!

  3. Isn't it amazing how "things" can bring back such vivid memories.
    Love you...

  4. Scary! Glad there wasn't much damage... Thanks for visiting me, my sweet Tami! I miss you! Isn't "Emma" fabulous?!?!?! They did such a great job--I love it! I'm so glad BBC keeps providing us with new beauties to love--they're so nice to us! Love you tons!
