
October 2005-January 2008

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tending Roses

I've been thinking a lot about a book I've read recently called Tending Roses. The old grandma in the book tells about how poor she was and how she works for a lady to earn cuttings of roses and then plants them. She spends a lot of time caring for them as they were the finest possesion she owned. When her children came along she no longer had time to tend the roses and they withered and died but she says she was never happier than when the "roses grew wild". I can honestly say, you know the song from Wicked, I couldn't be happier. I'm grateful to be a mom and to spend my life tending babies.

Here is my rose garden. (Notice the dead bush in the center.) I'm grateful to the people before me for planting it and to my mother who weeds and prunes.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't have known it was dead! I love your yard...

    And I'm working on my imovie RIGHT now! thanks for the motivation to do it.
