
October 2005-January 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Past

This time last year, we were eagerly awaiting and anticipating Christmas. I was so excited to surprise my kids with their trip to see Wicked. We caroled to our friends. We sang in the Messiah and our ward choir. We went to parties and movies. We went skiing and sledding. As my husband puts it, we were happily oblivious to the events soon to come. We were in our little perfect world.

It feels weird this year. The same but different. We are doing the usual things. We are even enjoying them most of the time. Our hearts are missing our little Joy. Our capacity to love others has grown immensely and I think this year we really understand and are grateful for the birth of the Christ child who made it possible for us all to return to live with our Heavenly Parents.


  1. I like the other picture from last year better. But this one is awesome!

  2. Thanks for posting every day and sharing your life with all of us.

    Merry Christmas, Tami. You are loved.

  3. My appreciation for the Savior and Christmastime -- the real meaning of Christmas, really -- has grown ten-fold since last January, and then another ten-fold in March when The Bug was born.

  4. Hope you have a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna

  5. Thanks for your daily postings. You are an amazing person. We will never forget your little JOY!!!!
