
October 2005-January 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rest in Peace

This year, I am singing with a group of ladies that perform at Christmas parties and other events. It has been really fun and challenging. (I am so choreography challenged.) We had our first performance at a retirement center. It's a great place to work the kinks out of our performance because the old people love you no matter what.
There are times in my life where I know something is going to be hard. I gear up, I'm prepared emotionally to "handle it". Then there are times when it comes out of nowhere. You didn't see it coming AT ALL.
We walked in to sing for the elderly people and the thought entered my mind that these people are going to see my Joy a lot sooner than I will. As one lady grabbed my hand while we were walking by I imagined her saying, "Your daughter is with you." I don't know where the thought came from. I didn't feel anything different but the tears started flowing. I was watching these people and had a little envy that they had nearly completed their journey. They have lived rich, full lives and have almost completed their assignments. I wanted to say, "Say Hi to Joy for me." All these thoughts going through my head while I was supposed to be singing. So I cried throughout the entire performance. The old people still loved us and told us we were beautiful and sounded like angels. One old guy remarked, "I love it when hot babes under 40 show up."


  1. Well, way to get me crying, Tami.

    I've thought the same thing about old people before, too -- that they're almost there, that they've already dealt with all the junk in this life and now they're almost done.

    I bet the JoyJoy was right there singing along with you and the other "hot babes".

  2. Ha. The hot babes comment had me chuckling. The other details had me tearing up. Sweet Joy.

  3. top favorite job EVER--working at a retirement home. and the guys usually say the greatest things...sorry that that was so difficult for you...but i'm sure that joy was there with you...even though that was difficult. hang in there!

  4. Tami--you ARE a hot babe. Glad you are performing. Wish we could see it. Even the kinks and tears would be great!

  5. My dad and I sang at a retirement home last weekend....same thing. I NEVER thought I would be envious of the elderly. Getting "old" was one of my greatest fears. Now I DREAM of it.

    Your group sounds so great. I'm sure it makes Joy so happy to see and hear her mommy singing. I'm sure of it.

  6. Thank you for get me crying and then laughing in the end :) Take care.

  7. What an emotional concert! What a blessing this group is for you. Your Joy tree is amazing. We love you and are so grateful for your strength and wisdom. P.S. Old men always say the funniest things!!
